Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Save the Date

Public hearings on the state single payer bills, HB 1660 and SB 300 will be held on Wed. March 19 in Harrisburg. Place: The Pennsylvania Capitol, Majority Caucus Room, #140. Time: 10 AM. Mark your calendars now. It holds 250 and we would like every seat filled!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just came up with this new plan and perhaps your organization could consider doing this. The Republican party and even the moderates in my Democratic party would most likely never go for single payer universal health care.

With the number of doctors in your organization can your organization form a single payer pool of those people who want something like HR 676 or enlist a health insurance company that would form such a large health insurance pool?

Your organization could then publicize this and see how many millions of people would join. In effect we could secede from the pay for profit system and create our own single payer pool on our own. Does this appear likely? If so, no Republican party can stop us in our tracks. Your organization could organize in every state of this country.

Very sincerely,